Nan yon lis ki gen 10 peyi, yo konsidere ke fòs polis sa yo gen plis koripsyon nan mond lan, Haiti soti an premye. Nan bagay ki bon Ayiti soti an dènye, e nan sa ki pa bon Ayiti soti an premye. Alò nou menm Ayisyen nou a lanvè. Kesyon k’ap poze, se ki sa k’ap retire peyi sa nan fado sa l’ap pote an.
Me lis 10 kò polis ki koronpi nan mond lan.
10. Polis Pakistan
Polis Pakistan klase kòm enstitisyon ki plis koronpi nan peyi an apre yon ankèt ki te fèt pa Siveyans Anti-Koripsyon entènasyonal. Anpil sitwayen rete kwè ke polis yo se sektè ki plis koronpi nan gouvènman. Polis britalite, Koripsyon ak Ekstòsyon, yo arete sitwayen ki inosan. Tout sa yo se zak polis Pakistan yo komèt.
9. Polis Lawisi (Police Russie)
Gouvènman Lawisi pa etranj de koripsyon, espesyalman nan kò polis yo an. Nan denye ane yo ki sot pase la me sa polisye Lawisi yo fè. Polis britalite, Koripsyon ak Ekstòsyon, yo arete sitwayen ki inosan. E pou yo ka fè kantite de bagay chèf yo ba yo fè chak mwa, e pou k’ap gen ase nan men yo pou ka bay fanmiy yo manje, polisye yo pa gen chwa ke pou yo antre nan ekstòsyon ak koripsyon.
8. Polis Soudan
Soudan se yonn nan peyi ki plis koronpi nan mond lan, nan diferan sans. Non sèlman ansyen prezidan yo an Oman Al-Bashir li nan prizon pou krim gè ak jenosid. Nasyon sa sibi anpil de koripsyon anba men kò polis sa. Polis Soudan yo fose sitwayen yo ba yo lajan, pou kap fè plis lajan. Polis yo pa nan fè ripòt ni envestige ankenn krim. Souvan yo itilize vyolans pou tire revanj a sitwayen k’ap konplenn de abi y’ap soufri anba men polisye.
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7. Polis Afganistan
Afganistan gen yonn nan fòs polis ki plis koronpi nan mond lan, e li sanble l’ap vin pi mal. Le mond konnen ke Polis Afganistan yo toujou ap fose moun pou ba yo lajan, e nan pòs polis kote y’ap tcheke moun, yo fè anpil vyolans sou sitwayen yo, e sa fèt nan tout peyi an. Si yo mete yon moun nan prizon yo mande li lajan pou yo ka lage li.
6. Polis Somali
Polis Somali se nimero 4 pami ki plis koronpi nan mond lan. Peyi sa ki fin ravaje pa lagè ap kontinye fè fas a yon seri de gran difikilte, e sitwayen yo vin nan plis danje. Polis Somali yo trè popilè pou jan yo pa efikas nan sa y’ap fè, e yo gen dwèt long, paske yo pa peye yo byen. Anpil polisye nan Somali antre nan vòlè, ekstòsyon, koripsyon, e yo rann lavi moun pou toumant si tèlman yo mandyan. Sè’l sa yo pwòp se mande moun lajan.
5. Polis Irak
Polisye nan Irak gen yon long itwa nan koripsyon. Malgre yo resevwa anpil lajan ak anpil antrènman, ebyen yo toujou kenbe vye mès koripsyon yo te genyen an. Yo toujou rete trè fèmen, yo patisipe nan kidnapping, Ranson ak koripsyon. Yo prouve ke yon enkapab pou kontrole efò teroris, e jan yo ta dwe proteje lavi moun.
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4. Polis Bimani
Bimani klase nimero 4, nan peyi ki gen yon ajans ki nan difikilte. Koripsyon pami kò polis sa trè kouran la. Polis Bimani yo fè moun nan ki viktim de krim nan peye pou envestigasyon an. Yo trè popilè nan pran lajan nan men moun. Bimani ap gouvène pa yon rejim militè ki trè otoritè, sa fè ni polisye, ni dwa moun tout anba notaj militè.
3. Polis Kenya
Kenya nan pozisyon 3 kòm peyi ki gen yon fòs polis ki koronpi. Apre yon rapò de yon sondaj yo te fè resaman 92 pousan sitwayen Kenya fè konnen ke kò polis yo an, se li ki plis koronpi, e majorite nan moun sa yo gen yon kòb yo peye a yon polis nan 12 mwa ki sot pase la. Sitwayen oblije peye polis yo, pou diferan sèvis. Yo peye pou dwàn, sante, edikasyon, polis, anrejistreman ak pèmi. Yo menm peye po sèvis piblik. Sa vle di nan tout sa ou al peye fò ou gen yon monnen anplis pou polis ki la. Menm yon dlo ou al peye, fò polis lan jwenn pati pa’l la ladan.
2. Polis Meksik
Polis Meksik se yonn nan kò polis ki gen plis pwoblèm e y’ap vin pi mal jou apre jou. Gen plis krim k’ap fèt konnye a ke tout tan ki pase nan Vil Meksiko e nan vil ki a lantou yo. Polisye yo menm fè li vin pi mal. Polisye antre nan koripsyon pou yo ka jwenn yon lòt fason pou ka fè lajan paske se yon ti kal lajan yo peye yo. Yo mande kriminèl lajan, ak touris, e anpil fwa yo ba yo chwa sa a “plata o plomo,” ki vle di se swa ou aksepte bay sa yo mande’w lan oubyen ou mouri. Polisye Meksiken travay avèk gro dilè dwòg yo. Yo ba yo proteksyon epi yo fè respekte trafik dwòg lan. Ase souvan yo inyore lè yon moun ripòte yon krim ba yo, epi yo arete moun ki inosan pou ka kouvri zak sal yo ap komèt.
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1. Polis Haiti
Haiti gen Fòs polis ki plis koronpi nan mond lan. Polisye yo negativman fliyanse sosyete an ak kilti Ayisyèn nan, nan jan yo konpòte tèt yo pou kèk tan. Nan ane ki sot pase yo, Polis Nasyonal Haiti (PNH) vyole yon pakèt dwa moun e yo vyole yon pakèt lwa, tankou Kidnapping, trafik dwòg, epi vyolans sou moun. Pafwa yo pa fè mwayen pou anpeche oubyen ni reponn a vyolans ke gang ap komèt. Apre tranbleman tè ki te pase an Janvye 2010, yo te on jan poze tou piti, men se sèl tan k’ap ka di nou.
VESYON ANGLE AN (The English Version)
10. Pakistan Police.
Pakistan’s police has been ranked among the most corrupt institutions in the country in a survey by an international anti-graft watchdog. Many citizens believe that the police is the most corrupt sector of the Pakistani government. Police brutality, extortion bribery and arresting innocent citizens are all crimes that have been committed among Pakistan’s police forces.
9. Russia Police.
Russian government is no stranger to corruption, especially within its police force. Within recent years, facts have surfaced about the corruption and crimes being committed by Russian police officers. Police brutality, extorting bribes and arresting innocent citizens are all crimes that have been committed among Russian police forces. In order to ensure monthly quotas and make ends meet, Russian police turn to corruption and bribery.
8. Sudan Police.
Sudan is one of the most corrupt countries for various reasons. Not only has their former president Oman Al-Bashir been indicted for war crimes and genocide, but this nation suffers from a corrupt police force. Sudanese police have been known to extort bribes from civilians in order to supplement their incomes. Police rarely file reports or investigate crimes, and often use violence and retaliation against people who complain about police abuses.
7. Afghanistan Police.
Afghanistan has had one of the most corrupt police forces in the world, and it seems like it’s only getting worse with time. Graft has made it impossible for Afghan police to improve and effectively do their job, but corruption is witnessed within the police force, as well. Afghan police have been known to extort money and inflict violence on civilians at police checkpoints around the country. Police also bribe civilians into paying them for their release from prison or to avoid arrest. Although police corruption has gotten slightly better with international efforts and retraining, it continues to suffer at the whim of governmental corruption and power.
6. Somalia Police.
The Somali police force is at No. 4 amongst the most corrupt in the world. This war-torn country continues to face great difficulties and people are at the greatest risk. The Somali police have been popular to be ineffective and crooked, because they are underpaid. Most of Somali police officers involved in steeling, extortion, bribery and they harass individuals to get money.
5. Iraq Police.
The Iraqi police have had a long history of corruption and, despite funds and retraining efforts, they’ve managed to maintain their corruption. Iraqi police continue to be highly sectarian and participate in kidnappings, ransom payments and bribery. They have proven to be ineffective at controlling terrorism efforts and protecting civilians in the ways they need to be.
4. Burma Police.
Burma ranked 4 amongst the countries with a troubled agency. Corruption among police force is most common here. The Burma police has been known to make victims pay for criminal investigations. They are popular for extortion money from civilians. Burma is ruled by a highly authoritarian military regime, therefore the Burma police and the rights of citizens are under direct hold of military.
3. Kenya Police.
Kenya ia at No.3 amongst the most corrupt police forces in the world. According to a recent survay report of Transparency International, the 92 percent civilians of Kenya ranked their police as the most corrupt and many of them have paid a bribe to their police during the last 12 months. Civilians are bribed into paying police for access to various services, like Customs, healthcare, education, police, registration and permits. They paid a bribe even on utility services.
2. Mexico Police.
Mexico hold second spot amongst the most corrupt police forces. One of the most troubled police and it continues to get worse every day. Crime is at an all-time high in Mexico City and border towns, but many police officers are only making it worse. Mexican police turn to corruption to find other means of money because the pay is low. Police will bribe criminals and extort tourists and have been known to give victims the option of “plata o plomo,” which means they can either accept a bribe or be killed. Mexican police also work with drug cartels to protect them and enforce drug trafficking. They often ignore reported crimes and do not investigate them, often imprisoning innocent citizens to cover up their dirty work.
1. Haiti Police.
World’s most corrupt police force is of Haiti. The Haitian police have negatively influenced society and Haitian culture with their unethical practices for quite awhile. In recent years, the Haitian National Police have violated various human rights and broken numerous laws, such as kidnapping, drug trafficking and police brutality. They have even resisted preventing or responding to gang-related violence. The lawlessness of the HNP appears to have died down slightly after the catastrophic earthquake in January 2010, but only time will tell if it will stay this way.